West Linn / Lake Oswego Village Volunteer Hours

PLEASE LOG YOUR VOLUNTEER HOURS! Make it a daily practice!

(1) Enter your email address in the box below. If you share an email address, e.g., [email protected], use addresses like [email protected] and [email protected] for unique IDs
(2) Reporting volunteer hours for  
WARNING: During the first 10 days of the current month, the DEFAULT month is set to last month. Please change the month if you wish to record hours for the current month.
(3b) Enter your hours in the table below
Volunteer Hours
1.25 = 1 hr 15 min
0.33 = 20 min
Type of Volunteer Service Description
Direct service to Village Members Volunteer service in response to member requests for services
Village support Volunteer time supporting Village operations and activities -- action teams, planning events, fundraising, community outreach, etc.

Reportable hours include such things as:

  • Time spent providing member services
  • Planning, organizing, and/or working at events
  • Preparation time for presentations
  • Meeting time in group work and planning sessions
  • Training — providing or attending - volunteer, driver, etc.
  • Driving time spent going to and from any activity
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