Spoke Village Benefits

The Villages NW Hub and Spoke Network has experienced exciting and explosive growth during its organizational development. At this time, with the help of Villages NW,  seven Spoke Villages are in various stages of formation in three Portland metro-area counties.

So what kinds of guidance, coaching, resources and support do Village planning groups receive from Villages NW before and after deciding to become a member of the Villages NW Hub & Spoke Network?

Prior to Applying to Be a Member of the Villages NW Hub & Spoke Network

Assistance Provided to Catalyze Village Formation

1. Conduct initial Village 101 presentations to attract a “group of individual who share a vision of creating a Village in their community”.
■ Includes 2 presentations a month for 3 months
■ Includes cost of Village 101 handouts & FAQs
■ Includes completed “Getting to Know You” forms (collected at 101s) for all people who are potential members of their SPOKE.

2. Support the coalescing of a local planning group.
■ Provide the “How Do We Start?” First Steps to Village Formation” checklist to guide planning group through initial decisions.
■ Provide or train how to secure the census data needed to set boundaries.
■ Start-up coaching (in private, via email, at coordinating team meetings)
■ Help setting up their initial work teams and divvying up tasks
■ Promote the emerging group via the Villages NW e-newsletter
■ Provide sample press releases

 After Becoming a Member of the Villages NW Hub & Spoke Network

Assistance and Resources Provided to Support Development and Operations

1. Membership in the national Village-to-Village Network
■ Annual membership in the national Village-to-Village Network at a reduced cost through Villages NW (annual cost is divided by Hub and Spokes members at time it comes due.)
■ Shared resources from the national V-t-V Network (i.e. Lincoln Village ambassadors program, V-t-V fundraising toolkit, sample brochures).
■ Access to behind the scenes info/resources from V-t-V Network through Village NW’s participation on several national V-t-V committees.
■ Posting Spoke Village planning group questions on the national
Village-to-Village forum.
■ Monitoring the national V-t-V Forum and sharing relevant postings.

2. Shared Resources and Organizational Support Services
■ Coaching & support (in private, via email, at meetings/events)
■ Training of Spoke Village’s financial person.
■ Providing donor and I & E tracking spreadsheets and financial forms.
■ Help developing multi-year operational budget projects and determining their membership fees and member acquisition goals.
■ Copies of a sample Community Needs Assessment Survey (online and print) for their modification/use.
■ Sharing of resources developed by Villages NW or other SPOKE’s (i.e. handouts, ideas for fundraising events, service info. collection template, volunteer hours collection form, work team descriptions, stages of Village development piece)
■ Education about nonprofit best practices and what is needed to be in compliance with nonprofit legal requirements, especially in the areas of financial recordkeeping, handling money, fundraising, earmarked funds, and donor acknowledgement and recordkeeping,
■ Providing leadership/organizational training (i.e. upcoming workteam leaders training)
■ Support for Spoke Village’s first Governing Council elections and assistance setting up their Governing Council.
■ Maintaining the master database list and sending geographic e-lists to Spokes to use sending bulk emails

3. Marketing & Media Exposure

■ Opportunities to participate in Villages NW special events and recruit new members (i.e. the Teas, the rituals event).
■ Publicity via the Villages NW website for their 101 presentationss, planning group meetings; special events
■ Inclusion in Villages NW media publicity (press releases, event publicity)
■ Inclusion in Villages NW presentations (i.e. WaCo AARP event).
■ Inclusion in Villages NW e-newsletter: SPOKE listing of 101s, planning group meetings, and special events.
■ Ongoing review of and assistance with their marketing materials (as requested).
■ Posting of SPOKE events on Facebook and sharing info on Facebook between local Villages’ pages, Villages NW, Villages NW Chat group, EV Discussion Group
■ Sample press releases and press contacts
■ Speakers Trainings (so people in their groups will be able to do Village 101, have talking points, and answer FAQs).
■ Use of Villages NW banner for shared tabling.
■ Ongoing information and referrals: directing in person, phone, email and web inquiries to their Spoke Village’s contact person.
■ Recognition for their Village and the Hub & Spoke Network through widespread presentations by Villages NW to groups, organizations, agencies throughout the area and membership in key coalitions
■ Providing Villages NW speakers for targeted presentations (i.e. to realtors; to university faculty)

4. Administrative Services
■ $2 million general liability insurance through Villages NW. Covers all Spokes (cost covered by Villages NW until Spoke launches)
■ Bookkeeping and monthly balance reporting from the Villages NW bookkeeper.
■ Spokes are able to immediately have nonprofit status through Village NW’s fiscal sponsorship agreement with COF.
■ Villages NW provides Oregon NPO status and has applied for Federal 501c3 status on behalf of the entire Hub & Spoke Network.
■  Review of contracts and agreements through Villages NW’s pro-bono legal adviser.

5. Philanthropy & Fundraising Support
■ Tax deductions available to Spoke donors through Villages NW’s short- term fiscal sponsor (Chalice Oak Foundation). Note: COF handles donor thank you letters.
■ Helping Spokes develop seed money fundraising events and campaigns.
■ Providing targeted fundraising trainings (i.e. the recent online major gifts fundraising training).
■ Providing assistance with Spoke’s (major) launch campaign.
■ When appropriate and possible, arranging for underwriting/co- sponsorship of Spoke events (ie. AARP Eastside Village event)
■ Nurturing potential strategic partnerships/sources of funding (or other assistance) for Spokes through Village NW’s negotiations with low-income senior housing, DHS, CCRCs, local universities, and faith communities.

6. Additional Benefits of Villages NW Hub & Spoke Network Membership
■ Opportunity to define and influence the development of the hub & spoke model via their Spoke Village’s representative in the Villages NW Representatives Circle.
■ Representation at and membership in key local coalitions (i.e. Institute on Aging Housing Coalition) through Villages NW’s participation and the Villages NW Ambassadors program
■ Help soliciting Villages NW allies’ support to promote/distribute their surveys and promote their events.
■ Increased visibility, credibility and network connections for Hub & Spoke Network and the local Village movement through the high-profile members of the Villages NW Advisory Group



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