2021 Villages NW Business Supporters Levels and Benefits
$10,000—Visionary Leaders
The highest kind of Founding Circle Supporters, Visionary Leaders will receive:
- Leadership in establishing the Village movement in the Portland metro-area to ensure affordable aging in place for older adults
- Permanent listing as a Villages NW Visionary Leader with your logo and link and a company/individual profile on the Villages NW website.
- Being featured as a Visionary Leader in a short YouTube video displayed on our site—and yours too, if you wish.
- Ongoing listing in press releases as one of Villages NW’s Founding Visionary Leaders.
- Listed and thanked through 2023 in the monthly Village NW e-newsletter as a Founding Visionary Leader
- Interviewed for an article in the monthly Villages NW e-newsletter on “Why My Business Supports Villages NW”
- Villages NW Founding Visionary Leadership recognition award for your home or office
- Tote bags for your top 25 employees with your logo and ours and the message “We are Visionary Leaders”.
- Custom-designed bumperstickers for your employees with your logo and ours, highlighting your company as leaders in the local Village movement.
- Invitation to and public thanks at Villages NW’s annual meeting (attended by all the Villages in the VNW Network). Listing in the annual meeting program.
- A name badge identifying you as a Villages NW’s Founding Visionary Leader.
- Lifetime invitation to Villages NW Founding Circle events at no charge.
$5000—Founding Circle Supporters
- Leadership in establishing the Village movement in the Portland metro-area to ensure affordable aging in place for older adults
- Permanent listing on VNW website as a Founding Villages NW Business Supporter with your logo and link and a company/individual profile if you act before end of year 2021. If after 1/1/2022, this changes to a three year listing.
- Being featured as a Founding Supporter in a short YouTube video displayed on our site—and yours too, if you wish.
- Custom-designed bumperstickers for your employees with your logo and ours, highlighting your company as leaders in the local Village movement.
- Listed in all Villages NW press releases through 2022 as a Founding Business Supporter.
- Listed and thanked through 2023 in the monthly Village NW e-newsletter as a Founding Business Supporter.
- Interviewed for an article in the monthly Villages NW e-newsletter on “Why My Business Supports Villages NW”
- Villages NW Founders Circle recognition award for your home or office.
- Invitation to and public thanks at Villages NW’s annual meeting (attended by all the Villages in the VNW Network).
- Listing in the annual meeting program.
- A name badge identifying you as a Villages NW’s Founding Business Supporter.
- Lifetime invitation to Villages NW Founding Circle events at no charge.
$2500—Platinum Level Supporter
- Leadership in establishing the Village movement in the Portland metro-area to ensure affordable aging in place for older adults
- Listing on VNW website for two years as a Platinum Level Business Supporter with your logo and link.
- Custom-designed bumperstickers for your employees with your logo and ours, highlighting your company as leaders in the local Village movement.
- Listed in all Villages NW press releases through 2022 as a Platinum Level Business Supporter.
- Listed and thanked through 2022 in the monthly Village NW e-newsletter as a Platinum Level Business Supporter.
- Interviewed for an article in the monthly Villages NW e-newsletter on “Why My Business Supports Villages NW”
- Villages NW Supporter recognition award for your home or office.
- Invitation to and public thanks at Villages NW’s annual meeting (attended by all the Villages in the VNW Network). Listing in the annual meeting program.
$1000—Gold Level Supporter
- Listing on VNW website for one year as a Gold Level Business Supporter with your logo and link.
- Listed in all Villages NW press releases through 2022 as a Gold Level Business Supporter.
- Custom-designed bumperstickers for your employees with your logo and ours, highlighting your company as leaders in the local Village movement.
- Listed and thanked through 2022 in the monthly Village NW e-newsletter as a Gold Level Business Supporter.
- Villages NW Supporter recognition award for your home or office.
- Invitation to and public thanks at Villages NW’s annual meeting (attended by all the Villages in the VNW Network). Listing in the annual meeting program.
$750—Silver Level Supporter
- Listing on VNW website for one year as a Silver Level Business Supporter with link.
- Listed and thanked in the 2021 & 2022 end-of year Village NW e-newsletters as a Silver Level Business Supporter.
- Villages NW Supporter recognition award for your home or office.
- Invitation to and listing in the Villages NW’s annual meeting program.
$500—Bronze Level Supporter
- Listing on VNW website for one year as a Bronze Level Business Supporter with link.
- Listed and thanked in the 2021 & 2022 end-of year Village NW e-newsletters as a Bronze Level Business Supporter.
- Villages NW Supporter recognition award for your home or office.
- Listing in the Villages NW’s annual meeting program